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Book Launch Schedule

Feeling the love here in Aus for The Good Kitchen, thank you so much everyone for your support. It occurred to me this morning as I was running along the Yarra that I had not posted about all of the book events that have been arranged here in Australia. I also have an update on when the book will be available in different territories. Here is my schedule.

July 8th - Speaking about The Good Kitchen at the 25th Symposium of Australian Gastronomy in Launceston.

July 11th - Q&A & book event in Perth, tickets available here.

July 24th - Cooking recipes from the book with the team from Channel 7's Sunrise programme in Sydney

July 27th - Melbourne Book Launch at The Farm Cafe in Abbotsford, 4 - 6pm, everyone welcome

July 30th - Sydney Book Launch at Better Read Than Dead book shop, tickets available here.

August 4th - Gold Coast Book Launch at Enzo's Italian restaurant in Coomera, 4 - 6pm, everyone welcome. Feel free to book a table for dinner afterwards as we will be staying on for a meal....

August 7th - Book event with the brilliant team from Material Institute in Tasmania, more details on that closer to the date.

The books will be available here in Aus around the 15th of July. I am signing all of the pre-ordered books (let me know if you have pre ordered and you would like me to write a message in the book). The books will be available in the UK and Europe in the first week of October and also around the same time for the US and Canada. I will be running some events in the UK to celebrate the book in October. The books will also be available to buy in The Good Kitchen in October and at some stage we will also have some events in Italy. I shall keep you all posted on this. You can pre order the book here.

Thank you everyone for your support and I look forward to connecting with you all at the events.

1 commento

Tania Vassie
Tania Vassie
21 lug 2024

Hello Danny, I have watched the progress and growth of the Good Kitchen via your posts for a number of years, and wish to congratulate you for even having the selfless dream and vision of starting such a vital community concept!! I have marveled at your efforts and progress, so much so that coming to Sicily and actually offering some of my free time to assist for a few weeks has become No. 1 on my bucket list! How wonderful that you have put your culinary expertise down on paper!! I was so disappointed to read you will be in Sydney whilst I will be away, but excited to discover you are launching your book at Enzo's Italian on Aug…

Mi piace

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