My apologies as it has been sometime since I last posted a blog. It has been a very busy time here in the kitchen as I have been cooking for families who have had to isolate due to Covid. There are many families here who live in the older area of town where many of the streets are deserted and therefore they have no neighbours. These are the areas where the 1 euro houses are for sale. Sadly because they do not have any close to them it has been a challenge for the families to get food.
This where The Good Kitchen has stepped in. I put the word out on my social media channels letting everyone in the town know that we could provide meals for families who were isolating. In the last month we have provided meals for 11 families and in total we delivered 259 meals to them. This was also made possible thanks to the generosity of the people of Mussomeli as they also donated produce for us to cook with.
am so happy that the kitchen is agile and that in a very short amount of time we are able to provide nutritious and delicious food to many families. The other piece of exciting news that I have to share with you is that we are now receiving many donations of food. Last week I visited a mushroom farm and returned to the kitchen with 6 crates full of Oyster Mushrooms, thank you Enzo. Every Friday I am now driving to Caltanisetta to collect surplus vegetables and fruit from the wholesale market there. This is brilliant as we will definitely be able to cook for more people here in Mussomeli.