It was such a pleasure to welcome Clive Myrie to The Good Kitchen last year for lunch. I was so incredibly proud of Davide, Nicholas and Francois as they helped prepare the lunch with Clive. The boys have become so confident and I remember so clearly how shy they were when they first started attending our cooking classes. They now meet and cook for people from all over the world.
Clive's Italian Road Trip series airs tonight on BBC2 and the episode featuring The Good Kitchen will be screened this Wednesday night. I think that you will be able to view all of the episodes together on the BBC Iplayer. For all my UK friends, let me know your thoughts if you catch the episode tonight on the Iplayer.
I am trying to find a way to be able to view the episode from Sicily as I would love to have a screening in the kitchen for all of our volunteers. I will also invite the boys and their families as well. Have a great day everyone wherever you are. Link here to the series