We could never have launched the kitchen and achieved all of our results without the support from everyone who donated so generously to our Crowdfunder. Thank you to each and everyone of you. Here is a snapshot of what we have achieved with your help over the last two years. You can read the full report here on my blog.
5,867 cooked meals delivered
1,482 people have sat down and shared a meal together at the kitchen
284 fresh food parcels have been delivered (each parcel has enough food to feed 5 people for 5 days)
Over 200 children have come to the kitchen for cooking classes, music lessons and events
When we ran the Crowdfunder we were going to create a mural in the kitchen with everyone's name on it who donated or the name of who the donation was in honour of. As we did not launch the kitchen in the One Euro House we are now creating a mural for The Good Kitchen. The young volunteers have been helping to create the mural and when it is finished I will blog about it and also share the images on my social media channels. Here are all of the wonderful people who donated from all over the world. With your support The Good Kitchen has become a beautiful home for many people here in Mussomeli.
Claire Vickers, Terry, Linda Davidson, Neil Weightman, Richard Harris and family, James D’Arcy, Julia Clarke, Henk Radder, Faye Pearson Jones, Michele Albini, Kate Hoole, Kate Marcantonio, Anne-Maria Salmon, Derek Hardy, Marcelo Martins, Kirsten Coelho, Louise Holland, Silvia Masoero, Holly Adams, Cath Elliston, Margaret Middleton, Pietro Nastasi, Rona Duthie, Tish & Adi Prescott, Kathleen Arrington, Beryle Girard, Nicola Allward, Helen Monument, Gabby Trifiletti in honour & remembering Carlo, Marina Filippelli, Gerard Cafferkey and family, Sarah Groves, Andrew Watchman and family, Sarah Wolferstan, Susi Richards, Sharon Muir, Eloise Bedwell, Eilis Neary, Bryan Chambers & family, Laura, Kate Thorpe, Lucy Fleetwood, Christine Smith, Donna McCubbin, Nicola Hartley, Leah, Jackie Taylor Fox, Monica Pitts, Ali, Lisa Tuckwood, Susie Sandford Smith, Rosie, Pippa Van Schagen, Lorenzo, Tessa Graham, Sarah Lancaster, Senta Slingerland, Rachelle Denton, Mandie Turner, Fiona Flaherty, Leyla Kazim, Shaun Colwell - Law, Shirley Andrade, Ayssa Adnani, Steve Homer, Sandra Macdonald, Vera Acimovic, Danielle de St Jorre, Keleigh Batchelor, Amber Sayer, Lynda Duncan, Karen Lloyd, Jane Elliott, Sara Brown, Alfonso Lugo, Donna Radcliffe, Donatella Cena, Kenneth Underhill, Maureen Holdaway, Linda Sarris, Abi Fawcett, Maria Vieyra Rawe, Tamara Risso-Gill, Alf Wilkinson, Peter Smith, Ginni Rolfe and family, Glenna Perry, Kris Van de Water, Liz McMullan, Ural Kazim, Sandra& Simon Purssey, Zoe Manzi, Jacquie Carrington, Greg Burke, Imraan ArbeeImraan Arbee, Trudi and Mark Charles, Dinah Liversidge, Danny McCubbin for cousin Ian, Elena Schlachter, In honour of Giovanni Scifo, Tony Morreale, Georgina Angelucci, Wendy Stadthagen, Carsten Hesse, Valentina Langley,Jamie Farquharson-Welsh, Marie McDermot, Avril Whyte, Emma Darby, Sophie Grigson, Louise Lloyd, Simon Jones, Aarti Bajrangee, Laura Rubino-Bennett, Lydia Cherry Light, Aurelie Sicard, Eleanor Ironside, Julie Elizabeth Brooke, Jenny Cauchi, Paul McDermott, Fred Mackenzie, Cettina Vullo, Barbara Hardy, Katherine Hale, Dana Ferrel, Rob See, Judy Harkins, Diede, Adele, Ryan and Liam Hawthorne, Anne Harris, Lisa McCubbin, Margie and Paul Ryan, Vickie Gadd & family, Alice Dell’Orco, Naomi Lumsdaine, Andrea Bross, Julie Trotter, Kim Brechin, Lori Kaley, Sara and Angelo, KC, Alexandra Jane Baker, Sophie Piquemal, Anthony Donohoe, Stephanie Leason, Stevie Beech, Katarina Boileau, Brooke Roundy, Mirtha Miranda, Zahra Nadji, Batzi Fischer, Dan Batten, Janja Medved, Alison Honeyford, Frances Hopewell Smith, Don & Mahlon Hovatter Bickford, Anthony Cotton, Lauren Fried, Theresa Barbaro, Floriana Borgioli, Alessandra Lauria, Mala Chapple, Hilary Nilsson, Pino Valenza, Lucy Lourenco, Selina Parmar, Jo Simpson, Debbie Catchpole (Fresh Partners), Katy Lake, Libby Moore, Kay Newnham, Nancy Murray, Milli Taylor, Liam and Lauren Doyle, Leaked Pringle, Amanda Wyatt, Rob, Lisa Stegman, Natasha Arbia, Deirdre Sartorelli, Lily Renée Modiano, Eadaoin Walsh, Emer Tuohy, Chazha Hick, Ruth Disbrow, Emma Darby, Iris Sneddon, Tina Mitchinson, Kelley Wolf, Joanna Ramsdale, Julie Cunningham, Rodrigo Hsu Ngai Leite, Doug Dorey, Jessica Riesenbeck, Pollyanna Sutton, Alison Noor, Ed and Gary, Ingrid Rodman, Jill Hignett & family, Birgitta Fijen, Lesley Morreale, Jon Shaw, Tom Squire & Bobs & family, Beverley Sparks, Elisa Roche, James Dean, Glenna Perry, Margaret Sparks, Tracey Bussola, Christelle Godefroit, Sara Roversi, Sharon Wright, Julie Fox, Marilyn Bansall-Allen, Elizabeth Urwin, Lauren Toms, Maria Luisa Perano, Joe Hurd, Alison Hudson, Pamela Genovesi, Alison Gillies, Gabby Trifiletti, Cecily Coates, Maggie Draycott, Julie Field, Mariam Alshammari, Angela Diprima, Robert Visintainer, Gurvinder Gregson, Maria Barresi, Diana Mayer, Linda Schiffo, Katie Bosher, Jocasta Zimnickas, Mardi Michels, The Lazerges Family, Angelo Zegna, Maria Cala, Nicholas Thornton, Giuliano Capo, Anthony Salmon, Zack Miczalek